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‖  文章供稿:彭祖剑
‖  字体: [大] [中] [小]

2024年06期 v.45 41-46页


(开普云信息科技股份有限公司,广东 东莞 523000)



中图分类号:TP311.5           文献标志码:A          文章编号:1674-2605(2024)06-0006-06

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-2605.2024.06.006                    开放获取

Economic Dispatch Model for Virtual Power Plants 

Considering Interrupted Load

PENG Zujian

(Ucap Cloud Information Technology Co., Ltd., Dongguan 523000, China)

Abstract: To improve the economy and stability of virtual power plants, a virtual power plant economic dispatch model considering interrupted load is proposed. Firstly, a virtual power plant economic dispatch model is constructed with the objective function of minimizing the interruption load cost; Then, the extended memory coefficient improved particle swarm optimization (IPSO) algorithm is used to solve the economic dispatch model of the virtual power plant; Finally, the IPSO algorithm will be compared and analyzed with PSO algorithm and genetic algorithm (GA) through simulation. The simulation results show that compared to the PSO algorithm, the IPSO algorithm GA, The minimum interruption load cost has been reduced by 7700 yuan and 18100 yuan respectively, and the number of iterations has been reduced by 65 and 84 times respectively; Through the optimization scheduling of IPSO algorithm, the electricity load during peak hours of virtual power plants has been effectively reduced, and the economy and stability of virtual power plant operation have been improved.

Keywords: virtual power plants; economic dispatch model; interrupt load; improved particle swarm optimization algorithm
