024年06期 v.45 20-28页
李波1,4 易远飞2 李文理3 李震3,4
(1.广东振声科技集团有限公司,广东 梅州 540000
2.广西农业职业技术大学农业工程学院,广西 南宁 530007
3.华南农业大学电子工程学院(人工智能学院),广东 广州 510642
4.国家柑橘产业技术体系机械化研究室,广东 广州 510642)
摘要:针对传统的山地果园运输装备转向不灵活、结构复杂、稳定性差和传动效率低等问题,研制了7ZDGS--300型山地果园自走式电动单轨运输机。首先,对满载工况下的运输机爬坡进行受力分析,得到满足运输机爬坡要求下的最小牵引力;然后,对运输机的电动机和蓄电池组进行选型;接着,设计运输机的齿轮传动装置、减振机构、限速保护装置、限位停车装置、防侧翻装置等关键部件;最后,对运输机的整体工作性能进行试验测试。测试结果表明,该运输机的最大爬坡角度为36.5°,最大运载质量为300 kg,平地最大行驶速度为0.94 m/s,远程稳定遥控距离为900 m,各项技术指标均达到设计要求,为山地果园运输机的设计提供理论参考。
中图分类号:S225.99 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-2605(2024)06-0003-09
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-2605.2024.06.003 开放获取
Development of 7ZDGS-300 Self-propelled Electric Monorail Transport Machine for Mountain Orchards
LI Bo1,4 YI Yuanfei2 LI Wenli3 LI Zhen3,4
(1.Guangdong Zhensheng Technology Group Co., Ltd., Meizhou, Guangdong 540000, China
2.College of Agricultural Engineering, Guangxi Vocational University of Agriculture, Nanning, Guangxi, 530007, China
3.College of Electronic Engineering (College of Artificial Intelligence), South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China 4.Mechanization Research Laboratory of National Citrus Industry Technology System, Guangzhou 510642, China)
Abstract: In response to the problems of inflexible steering, complex structure, poor stability, and low transmission efficiency of traditional mountain orchard transportation equipment, the 7ZDGS-300 self-propelled electric monorail transport machine for mountain orchards has been developed. Firstly, the force analysis of the transport machine climbing under full load conditions is carried out to obtain the minimum traction force that meets the requirements of the transport machine climbing; Then, select the electric motor and battery pack for the transport machine; Next, design key components such as the gear transmission device, vibration reduction mechanism, speed limit protection device, limit parking device, and anti rollover device for the transport machine; Finally, conduct experimental tests on the overall performance of the transport machine. The test results show that when the climbing angle is 36.5° and the maximum carrying capacity is 300 kg, the maximum speed on flat ground is 0.94 m/s, and the remote stable control distance is 900 m. All technical indicators meet the design requirements, providing theoretical reference for the design of mountain orchard transport machine.
Keywords: mountain orchards; monorail transport machine; electric; remote control