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‖  文章供稿:颜晨 陈翔 孙云华
‖  字体: [大] [中] [小]

颜晨  陈翔  孙云华 

(中科芯集成电路有限公司,江苏 无锡 214072)



中图分类号:TP316.8             文献标志码:A          文章编号:1674-2605(2024)01-0003-05


Study on the Internal Data Management Methods of LwIP Protocol Stack 

YAN Chen  CHEN Xiang  SUN Yunhua 

(China Key System & Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd., Wuxi 214072, China)

Abstract: LwIP is widely used as a lightweight network protocol stack in embedded devices. This article studies the internal data management methods of the LwIP protocol stack in order to better apply and develop new protocol stacks. Firstly, introduce the data storage method of the LwIP protocol stack and compare it with the FreeRTOS storage method; Then, in response to the data packet fragmentation problem caused by different transmission capabilities of network devices, explore the data management methods used to form a complete data packet using the LwIP protocol stack; Finally, study the software design approach of the LwIP protocol stack at the TCP layer. 

Keywords: light weight IP (LwIP); memory management; data management; data storage
