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‖  文章供稿:李颖1  王月2  郝建军3  王嘉锋3
‖  字体: [大] [中] [小]

李颖1  王月2  郝建军3  王嘉锋3

(1.东莞中科云计算研究院,广东 东莞 523000

2.广东电子工业研究院有限公司,广东 东莞 523000

3.广州市黄埔区中医院,广东 广州 510700)



中图分类号:TP311           文献标志码:A            文章编号:1674-2605(2023)05-0008-06


Chinese Medicine Symptoms Recommendation System Based on Mutual Information 

LI Ying1  WANG Yue2  HAO Jianjun3  WANG Jiafeng3

(1.Dongguan Zhongke Institute of Cloud Computing, Dongguan 523000, China

2.Guangdong Electronics Industry Research Institute Co., Ltd., Dongguan 523000, China

3.Guangzhou Huangpu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Guangzhou 510700, China)

Abstract: A Chinese medicine symptom recommendation system based on mutual information is proposed to address the issue of excessive reliance on doctor experience in Chinese medicine diagnosis. Firstly, standardize Chinese medicine symptoms on the original case data, construct a symptom terminology dictionary, and enable the system to input standardized symptoms; Then, calculate the correlation between symptoms through mutual information; Finally, use the NDCG indicator to verify the recommendation effect of symptoms and obtain a recommended list of symptoms. The experimental results show that the system can obtain other related symptoms based on one or more symptoms, and achieve the recommendation function of Chinese medicine symptoms.

Keywords: Chinese medicine; mutual information; symptoms recommendation; data mining; dictionary of symptom terms; normalized discounted cumulative gain
