姚嘉伟 蔡延光
(广东工业大学自动化学院,广东 广州 510006)
中图分类号:TP391 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-2605(2023)05-0005-06
ECG Identity Recognition Method Based on Multi-kernel Convolution and Multi-head Self-attention
YAO Jiawei CAI Yanguang
(College of Automation, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China)
Abstract: To improve the training efficiency and recognition accuracy of neural networks in the process of electrocardiogram identity recognition, a electrocardiogram identity recognition method based on multi-kernel convolution and multi-head self-attention is proposed. Firstly, feature extraction is performed on a preprocessed single heartbeat using multiple convolution checks of different sizes; Then, a multi-head self-attention module is used to enhance the extraction effect of global features in the convolutional channel; Next, the feature channels are divided into two for semi instance normalization, enabling the multi-head self-attention module to focus on the features before and after normalization, thereby improving the convergence speed of the neural network; Finally, connect the multi-kernel and multi-head self-attention module to ResNet residual. This method achieved a recognition accuracy of 94.92% after 20 epochs of training on the QT dataset. The results of comparative experiments using ResNet show that this method can effectively improve the training efficiency and recognition accuracy of the neural network.
Keywords: multi-kernel convolution; multi-head self-attention mechanism; semi instance normalization; electrocardiogram; identity recognition