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‖  文章供稿:杨茂昌
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(广东中质检测技术有限公司,广东 广州,510663)

摘要:配电变压器绕组材质存在以铝代铜的现象,给电力供配电系统带来安全隐患。针对传统的热电阻检测法存在耗时长、效率低;趋肤效应检测法需要较为严格的试验条件,变压器测试模型难以确定等问题,提出基于热电效应鉴别配电变压器绕组材质的方法。经实测,验证了此方法对额定容量为400 kVA以内的配电变压器的有效性。


中图分类号:TP271,TP277       文献标志码:A        文章编号:1674-2605(2023)04-0005-04


A Method for Identifying Winding Materials of Distribution Transformers Based on Thermoelectric Effects 

YANG Maochang 

(Guangdong Zhongzhi Testing Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510663, China)

Abstract: The phenomenon of using aluminum instead of copper in the winding material of distribution transformers poses a safety hazard to the power supply and distribution system. The traditional thermal resistance detection method is time-consuming and inefficient; The skin effect detection method requires strict experimental conditions, and it is difficult to determine the transformer testing model. Therefore, a method based on thermoelectric effect is proposed to identify the winding material of distribution transformers. The effectiveness of this method for distribution transformers with a rated capacity of less than 400 kVA has been verified through actual measurement.

Keywords: thermoelectric effect; distribution transformer; winding material; using aluminum instead of copper
